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Effects of Internet Use

Caught in the web !
Psychological side-effects of internet use:
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Self-centredness
  • Increased insecurity
  • shorten attention span
  • Anxiety
  • Shallow thinking
  • Mindlessness
  • Loss of productivity
  • Impatience
  • Addiction
  • Indifference & Lack of empathy 

The web is a treasure house of knowledge., an information highway, but using the internet doesnt make you a super thinker, in fact, it turns you into a non thinker. This is what many top scientist saying.
the internett , they say is, changing the make-up of our brains and making us stupid. Its turning us into scaterred and superficcial thinkers. Our brain is sensitive to REPROGRAMMING. This will also distracts and disrupt our concentration. It makes us mindless consumers of data.

Read more at online UTUSAN KONSUMER Mar-Apr 2011 Vol 41 No.2 at this url-

How To Be A Good Leader


  •  Leadership skills and techniques can be learned. You don't have to be a natural leader. Very few people are.
  • Care for your team. That means knowing what matters to each member: their health, their partner, their children, their relatives, their interests, their hopes, their fears.
  • Stay close to your team. At some point, every day, walk around the office and say "Hi" to everyone who works for you. If you're not in the office that day, call and see how people are. This gives you a chance to enquire or encourage and gives them an opportunity to raise issues or make suggestions.
  • Meet your team. Regularly - daily, weekly or monthly, depending on your place and type of work - have meetings of all the members of the team. Keep these meetings short, focused and action-orientated. Make sure every member of the team contributes in some way and acknowledge that.
  • Train your team. Every team member should have at least two days training a year. Newer and more senior colleagues should have more. If they don't ask to go on training sessions, suggest some suitable courses.
  • Grow your team. Through varied experience and regular training, you should be developing each team member to be more and more confident and more skilled.
  • Inspire your team. Consider making available a motivational quote or story every week or month [for lots of good quotes .
  • Celebrate with your team. This might be a personal event, such as a member's birthday or anniversary, or a professional occasion, such as completing a project or winning oa contract.
  • Socialise with your team. Have lunch or an after-work drink with them, especially when a member has a birthday or there's another reason to celebrate.
  • Set objectives for each team member. As far as possible, these objective such be SMART - Specific MeasurableAchievable Resourced Timed.
  • Review the performance of each team member. At least once a year - at least quarterly for the first year of a new team member - have a review session where you assess performance, give feed-back and agree future objectives and training.
  • Thank constantly. The words "Thank you" take seconds to say, but mean so much.
  • Praise constantly. The words "Well done" take seconds to say, but will be long remembered and appreciated.
  • Communicate constantly. Don't assume that people know what you're doing, still less what you are planning or thinking. Tell them, using all the communication tools to hand: team briefings, electronic newsletters, organisational newspapers.
  • Eliminate. Too often we do things because they've always been done. Life changes. Consider whether you could stop doing certain things altogether.
  • Delegate. You don't have to do everything. Develop your team members by training them to do more and trusting them to take over some of the things you've been doing.
  • Empower. A really effective leader sets clear objectives for his team members, but leaves detailed implementation of these objectives to the discretion and judgement of individual members of the team. As Second World War U.S. General George S. Patton put it: "Don't tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results”.
  • Facilitate. A confident leader does not try to micro-manage his team, but makes it clear that, if team members need advice or assistance, he is always there to facilitate and support.
  • Be on time. Always start meetings on time and finish them on time. Natural breaks keep people fresh. Short meetings concentrate the mind.
  • Be seen. Don't just talk the talk, but walk the walk. So visit each unit or department for which you are responsible on a regular basis. Don't do this unannounced - you are not out to undermine other leaders or catch out staff. So arrange with the unit leader or departmental head when you'll visit and ask him or her to walk round with you.
  • Make time. Managers are often very busy and this can deter people from approaching you, so make time for people and be approachable. People will appreciate you taking five minutes out of your busy schedule, especially if you act on/listen to what they say.
  • Really listen. Many of us - especially those who think they are important - don't really listen, but instead think about what they're going to say next. Give the person speaking to you your full attention and really take on board what they are saying.  ]
  • Accept honest criticism. Criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger - but it's a powerful tool of learning. Above all, assess criticism on merit, without regard to its originator.
  • Think strategically. The doers cut a path through the jungle; the managers are behind them sharpening the machetes; the leaders find time to think, climb the nearest tree, and shout "Wrong jungle!" Find time to climb the trees.
  • Have a mentor or buddy, someone doing similar work in the same or a similar organisation with whom you can regularly and frankly discuss your progress and your problems as a leader.
  • Have a role model, someone who can inspire you to be a truly great leader. If you can't find one, study Jed Bartlet as the American President in any episode of the television series "The West Wing".
  • Constantly revisit and review these tips. In his seminal work, "The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People", Stephen Covey puts it this way: "Sharpen the saw".
  • Plan your succession. You won't be there forever and you may not be in control of the timing and circumstances of your departure. So start now to mentor and train at least one colleague who could take over from you.
Besides that, presentation skills or also public speaking is an essential of leadership too. There's various kind of possitive attitudes in a good leader. From the above tips, i hope readers especially teen leader at school in various kind of situation or places can take this as a lesson learn. I wish my juniors will get use to it. Because i know someday anyone of you will ask me this :) Always be prepared !
Anyway, here is some reality i would share with together.
Once upon a time, i was still remember during my kindergarten and primary school teachers, whenever its report card day ...those teacher told my parents that i'm a shy and quiet girl. Actually, if i'm within the friends of cause i'm not. Haha. Starting from primary school year four, i realize that thats a bit changes day by day, years by years. I was not any prefect or class monitor for that time. Till when it come, during secondary school i shifted to a new school. I was like OMG. Because i really uncomfortable with a new environment sometimes. Well, i started to get involve myself with any activities. Especially those co-curiculum stuff. even a little rank in a community, its a part of leadership responsible. I tried to throw away those shy or quiet attitudes. Haha. But whatever changes in a person life, for your information, its not easy right? so, a person have to be independent, intelligent, self disipline,responsible,honest and etc I. Even that time, i dislike speaking in front of many peoples... hehe. After went through many of leadership/motivational course and camps, i find that a person can make a changes. Only thing is either you want it or not. Though i'm not any good leader , but yet , there's more people thats beeter than us. We are not the best but always do the best of the rest. This is my school days experience . I just cut it short. Its all too long for me to write here. I learned many things about being a good leader, which is something we are seriously lacking in our world today. Without trust, a leader won’t have any followers. Just take your time. Everything we do, time is the most important. Make every secong count. Time is precious :)

Soldiers Who Want To be Heroes

Everyone have their duty.
A soldier,
 warrior and a member of a team. 
 serve the people of the entire nation. 
 will always place the mission first. 
 will never accept defeat. 
 will never quit. 
 will never leave a fallen comrade. 
 is disciplined, physically and mentally tough, 
 trained and proficient  warrior tasks and drills. 
 always maintain their arms, their equipment and themselves
 an expert and  a professional. 
 is stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy, the enemies.
 is a guardian of freedom and the their country way of life.  
A soldier’s duty is preserving the entire nation.

Martikulasi , Asasi , atau Diploma.

Matrikulasi dan program asasi adalah program khas yang dirangka untuk membolehkan pelajar cemerlang melangkau program diploma. Matrikulasi keutamaan adalah program satu tahun (PST) walaupun ada juga program dua tahun (PDT). Matrikulasi yang popular sekarang ialah matrikulasi KPM. Namun begitu program asasi seperti program asasi sains atau program asasi undang-undang atau program asasi perakaunan juga memberi peluang lepasan SPM melangkau ke peringkat ijazah dalam tempoh singkat iaitu 1 tahun (2 semester) . Kedua-dua peluang pembelajaran ini, matrikulasi dan program asasi dikenali sebagai program laluan pantas (fast track). Bayangkan dalam usia 19 tahun pelajar dari kedua-dua program ini, jika cemerlang, layak memasuki program ijazah aliran sains (3 tahun kecuali perubatan 4-5 tahun) atau perundangan (3 tahun) atau perakaunan (4 tahun) dan selepas tamat belajar, bakal memasuki dunia pekerjaan di usia muda, 21-22 tahun.

Diploma pula terbuka kepada semua lepasan SPM dan semua aliran dan jenis persekolahan. Walau bagaimanapun, ia menawarkan tempoh pembelajaran yang panjang iaitu 3 tahun. Hanya selepas tamat atau bergraduat dari diploma, barulah pelajar lepasan diploma boleh mengikuti program ijazah dalam bidang yang mereka minati, sama ada aliran sains/teknikal atau aliran sastera. Ada banyak peluang belajar disediakan dalam kategori diploma oleh itu pelajar boleh merancang kerjaya mereka dari awal lagi. Sebagai contoh, pelajar diploma perakaunan selepas tamat pegajian boleh membuat keputusan sama ada terus sambung belajar atau terus bekerja. Sebaliknya pelajar matrikulasi dan program asasi tidak boleh berhenti belajar kerana dari segi pengiktirafan, sijil matrikulasi dan program asasi itu hanya sah kegunaannya untuk kemasukan ke IPT. Jika mereka memilih untk bekerja sementara waktu atau bagi tempoh yang lama, pelajar-pelajar lepasan matrikulasi dan program asasi sebenarnya hanya memiliki kelayakan SPM. Begitulah bezanya dari segi taraf dan peluang pekerjaan.

Tetapi perlu diingat di sini, pelajar-pelajar yang memohon matrikulasi dan program asasi sememangnya diandaikan akan terus belajar ke peringkat ijazah, dan kerana itulah pihak KPM dan IPTA yang menawarkan program-program laluan pantas ini hanya memilih pelajar cemerlang. Ini kerana dipercayai pelajar sedia cemerlang dalam SPM akan mampu menangani kehidupan dan proses pembelajaran yang ketat dan pelbagai bagi tempoh singkat 2 semester. Juga diyakini individu sebegini sebenarnya mempunyai kesungguhan dan cita-cita diri yang jelas. Tanpa faktor ini, maka ada segolongan kecil pelajar lepasan SPM yang menyesal mengikuti program matrikulasi maupun program asasi kerana didapati lebih ‘demanding’ dan agak sukar menerima perubahan yang mesti dilakukan pelajar. Program diploma pula, walaupun turut dipohon oleh pelajar cemerlang dan pelajar sederhana, proses pembelajarannya telah direncanakan dan dipanjangkan bagi tempoh 3 tahun. Maka pelajar-pelajar diploma ada sedikit ruang ‘bernafas’ dan peluang membetulkan keadaan jika mengalami kegagalan atau kejatuhan prestasi.

Tetapi pembaca harus sedar bahawa matrikulasi, program asasi dan diploma sememangnya dirancang berdasarkan dasar dan falsafah yang berbeza. Jika anda memilih matrikulasi atau program asasi ketahuilah bahawa jerih payah anda dibalas dengan kepantasan memasuki bidang ijazah dan dunia pekerjaan manakala program diploma, walaupun tidak ‘menyesakkan nafas’ pelajar tetapi dari segi persaingan, akan terlewat masuk ke peringkat ijazah dan seterusnya lambatmemasuki bidang pekerjaan sebagai lepasan ijazah.

Contohnya anggaplah ada 2 orang pelajar, pelajar A dan Pelajar B merupakan lepasan SPM 2007 kini mencari peluang belajar di IPTA. Pelajar A ditawarkan matrikulasi di Kolej Martrikulasi Labuan, pelajar B ditawarkan diploma perakaunan di UiTM Shah Alam. Kedua-duanya adalah pelajar cemerlang dan kedua-duanya berpakat bakal mengikuti program ijazah perakaunan di UUM.

Di usia 18 tahun ini, kedua-duanya memulakan pengembaraan masing-masing tahun 2008 ini.

Pertengahan tahun 2008 – Pelajar A mula belajar di matrikulasi PST manakala Pelajar B mula belajar di peringkat diploma perakaunan di UiTM.

Pertengahan tahun 2009 – Pelajar A tamatkan pengajian matrikulasi dengan CGPA 3.80 dan Julai 2009 mula mengikuti program ijazah perakaunan di UUM di tahun pertama. Pelajar B pula memasuki tahun kedua pengajian diploma.

Pertengahan tahun 2010 – Pelajar A sedang belajar di tahun kedua ijazah perakaunan di UUM. Pelajar B memulakan pembelajaran di tahun ketiga program diploma beliau.

Pertengahan tahun 2011 – Pelajar A sedang belajar di tahun ketiga ijazah perakaunan di UUM. Pelajar B dah tamat diploma dengan CGPA 3.80 juga dan mulai Julai 2011 mulakan pengajian beliau di tahun pertama ijazah perakaunan di UUM. Pelajar A sekarang ini senior 3 tahun berbanding rakannya Pelajar B yang baru menjadi pelajar junior.

Pertengahan tahun 2012 – Pelajar A memulakan pembelajaran di tahun keempat dan terakhir program ijazah perakaunan di UUM. Rakannya pelajar B pula baru memasuk tahun kedua pengajian ijazah perakaunan di UUM juga.

Pertengahan tahun 2013 – Pelajar A telah tamat pengajian dengan CGPA 4.00, menunggu konvokesyen dalam bulan Ogos dan sejak Julai dah bekerja di Ernst & Young sebagai pembantu juruaudit. Pelajar B sedang melanjutkan pelajaran di tahun ketiga ijazah perakaunan di UUM.

Pertengahan tahun 2014 – Pelajar A masih berkerja di Ernst & Young dan kecekapannya menyebabkan beliau telah dinaikkan jawatan dan tangga gaji yang lebih lumayan. Pelajar B mula belaja di tahun keempat, tahun terakhir ijazah perakaunan di UUM.

Pertengahan tahun 2015 – Pelajar A masih bekerja di E&Y dan memasuki tahun ketiga bertugas untuk melengkapkan syarat menjadi akauntan bertauliah*. Pelajar B tamat pengajian degan CGPA 4.00 dan sedang menunggu konvokesyen di bulan Ogos 2015. Mula bekerja di Price Waterhouse sejak Julai 2014 dan bakal mencipta kerjaya sebagai akauntan bertauliah juga.
* Syarat untuk mejadi akauntan bertauliah ialah pengalaman 3 tahun bekerja minimum dalam bidang perakaunan yang diiktiraf. Juruaudit adalah salah satu darinya.

Dan begitulah seterusnya. Dengan andaian persaingan yang sihat, dan tiada masalah yang menghalang kedua-dua mereka menangguhkan pembelajaran dan mencari pekerjaan. Sifu berharap, dari penerangan dan contoh yang sifu berikan dapat memberi sedikit gambaran kepada pelajar untuk membuat keputusan mana satukah laluan yang lebih sesuai kepada dirinya. Setiap keputusan itu bakal mempengaruhi peluang dan kejayaan anda di masa hadapan.

Tambahan : Jika pelajar B sambung belajar ke peringkat ijazah di UiTM, sebagai pemegang diploma UiTM, beliau layak mendapat pengecualian jam kredit, dan tempoh masa belajar boleh disingkatkan kepada 3 tahun (6 sem) atau 3 1/2 tahun (7 sem), tertakluk kepada syarat UiTM. Sebaliknya jika sambung belajar ke IPTA lain, pelajar B terpaksa mengharungi pembelajaran genap 8 sem (4 tahun).

Which Type Of Photographer Are You?

Have a read of this three main types of photographer. By identifying one of them, you will quickly and easily be able to see how the information guides relates to you and how your chances of success vary according to the areas and topics of photography. You may find similiarities in more than one description, so make sure to read all of this advice as it will help greatly improve your chances of making money from your photographs.

BEGINNER Inexperienced Amateur )
You've been taking snapshots on a compact camera for a while, but havent have a DSLR for long. You have caught the photo bug and love taking pictures for anything and everything, but get frustrated that you dont have the all fundamental khowledge needed to take full control of your photos. So you often shoot in fully automatic mode when you want to be sure to get a decent shot, while experimenting with the various modes and learning from your mistakes. You regularly photoghraph your family, friends, and you try to dedicate some spare time to shooting interests, such as the garden, landscapes or potraits. In term of gear, you've got the basic:
an entry level DSLR with a kit lens, possibly a budget telephoto like the 55-200mm. You've a nice little gadget bag, a basic tripod but few if any specialist bits of kit like a flash gun. You rate your photographic skills'OK, but could do more', but among your many near misses, you've have some shots you rate as 'very good' to 'excellent'.

ETHUSIAST Advanced Amateur )
You've used a DSLR for a number of years and quite posibble owned a 35mm DSLR too. You rate yourself as a very competent photographer who know most, if not all, of the basic requirements to get a perfectly sharp, well-exposed image. You're recognised by those you know as a very good photographer and most likely have been asked not only for copies of your images, but also to take some shots of friends and family too. Your passion for photography is as strong as ever and while you've a good level of expertise, you crave new ideas, techniques and skills to learn, to help expand your talents. You don't earn significant amounts of moneys from your photos, but you've a strong idea that you could do based on comparing your work to others, from what you've been told and from your modest successess so far, which could involve shooting the odd weekend wedding to selling images on stock libraries.
You've a decent camera outfit based around a mid-range DSLR (with possibly an older , entry-level model as back-up). your lenses are all good quality and as well as a good standard zoom, you've a telezoom, an ultra wide-angle and possibly a specialist lens like a macro, as well as a 50mm f/ 1.8 and a creative option like a Lensbaby. You've a flashgun, sturdy tripod, a good quality gadget bag or backpack and quite possible have, or are thinking of getting, a lighting system. You are fairly competent in Photoshop and other digital techniques and print your best images on a high quality inkjet printer.

SEMI-PRO  ( Advanced Ethusiast )
You may not have a part time job as a photographer, but you know you have the creative skills and competency to make serious money from photography. Taking pictures is a major passion in your life and you rarely go out anywhere without your DSLR, as it would pain you to see a great photo opportunity and not to be able to capture it. For this reason, you own a  premium compact that you can carry around withyou for when a DSLR isnt practical. You want to live the dream of going pro but unfortunately, for whateveer reason, the time isnt quit right, but you have a rough plan and a strong desire to one day make a living as pro. You're skilled at most of the photo techniques, but read photo magazine for inspiration and ideas and to see how others earn a crust. You regularly enter photo competitions not only to try to win, but as challenge to help you improve your skills. You earn a modest but good income from the odd job, such as potrait or wedding shots, selling images to local businesses and from commissions from online stock libraries. You're on your second or third DSLR, having upgraded to a model you're now satisfied delivers the quality you need. You have  a good mix of lenses, with some if not all being premium optics. Among your f/2.8 zooms you have a 50mm, 100mm macro, a premium wide angle and maybe a teleconveter and/or set of extension tubes too. You've a decent  collection of photo accessories including reflectors, lighting, a remote release, a couple of tripods and gels/diffusers to use with your dedicated flashgun.